Guest Event Registration

Event Title: CANCELED: January Monthly Member Social: Hosted by domii

5:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Welcome! domii® Real Estate
Agents and Home Services Pros Link Feature Launch You’ll learn how to grow your
business 10X More in 2024. We will show you how to exchange unique digital
Links to you and your business to create a wave of exponential referrals,
leads, and growth through domii®.


6:00 PM - 7:30 PM: Links+Libations~Real Estate
Agents & Home Services Pros Networking Event Enjoy the Libations and Link
to Limitless. Share your unique domiiLink™ and create a wave of exponential
growth. Worried about the economy??? Fuhgeddaboudit ~ Link Away and Prime Your
Business For 10X More in 2024! Next, Link with your friends and the like-minded
business professionals while you relax and enjoy a sip and a snack Libations.
Unlike other networking events that feel like wasted time, sharing your
domiiLink™ will harness opportunities to proliferate and domii-nate your market
for FREE.